At Scuba United, we’re driven by our dedication to offer a superior, personalised service. We smile with pride every time someone walks into our store excited about the great selection, and walks out satisfied. It means we’ve done our job right.
Ever since we’ve founded our store in 2020, we had one goal in mind: ensuring a permanent variety of fantastic items along with unique limited edition and seasonal merchandise that fit your needs.
Get in touch with us to learn more about our store, or come on over and say hi in person!
Get To Know Us
Meet the friendly and knowledgeable staff members who are at the heart of our business. Our team is experienced, savvy, and most important of all, friendly. Check out some of our team members’ stories below.

Tommy, Bram and Joost are the ones that make the store run smoothly. Each with their profession fills in a section that is required to make a great dive shop work!
Drysuit repair specialist
There isn't a drysuit repair he cannot do. However, he will tell you when a suit has seen its best days and would need a replacement.
Tommy likes to listen to 80's music and isn't shy of visiting a rock concert every once in a while, if he isn't working on his Opel Manta's that is.
This guy gets your suit fixed and ready to go for your next dive!

Store manager
If you called the dive shop or had questions via e-mail, you already spoke to him. He is the one who is in the shop and keeps things on track.
Helping you out with your purchases and does accounting.
He also knows everything there is about made to measure for many different brands. So far, the success rate for MTM is 100%. People come from far away to have him help them out with their new drysuit.
Dive instructor and service technician
Bram does a little bit of everything. When things are piling up on the repair side, he helps out Tommy with testing suits and keeping track of repairs.
When it gets crowded in the shop, he'll help out with explaining different products.
But he mostly does service for regulators, scooters, and other weird repairs.
Oh, and he teaches all recreational levels and recently started his technical instructor career!